โ‹ฎ an unusual and exciting or daring experience. | engage in daring or risky activity.ย 


Dont forget your six month or anual computer cleaning ...


Here are some details of my achievements during the year 2023, recorded not only through my smartwatch, but also through Google Fit and other software. Although I know that unfortunately in the last decade sharing everything is used as a method of exaltation just as the extraordinary and the fantastic has been transformed into the new normal, I use this method as a humble way of being able to serve as a trigger and/or motivation or inspiration and not as a factor of competition, not as the use that I see humanity increasingly using in the last decade.

I may say in less than one year i allready I've walked the planet earth ร˜ and allways thru mother nature and my carbon footfrint is the lower level i ever achived in the last 5 years and i really hope keep'it than way or even lower. Yes, i am very happy specialy with myself cos its what's it all matter's, at least to me.

I used a screenshot taken from the app's data as the data source, which can be performed on any android smartphone with a three-finger swipe down or via power + vol. down keys. User's can click on images to see the source of the data of the screenshot.

6th y and โค๏ธ'itย