Image credits :ย  Janez Martincic, Alpine Shelter Skuta by OFIS Architects

Have you ever imagined yourself in an isolated cabin in the middle of the forest, or a beach house on a desert island? In the 15th century, the English poet John Donne wrote that "No man is an island, complete in himself; every human being is a part of the continent, a part of a whole."

But sometimes the need for isolation can simply mean it's time to rejuvenate your mind or body. When we talk about isolation, we think about silence, not having the normal hustle and bustle of everyday life, a less fast pace.

We understand tha Social isolation is a state of complete or near-complete lack of contact between an individual and society. It differs from loneliness, which reflects temporary and involuntary lack of contact with other humans in the world alltho we cannot forget and mixup that often, mental health symptoms such as depression can cause someone to isolate themselves. โ€œIsolation is a result of anxiety and depression in that some individuals use it as a self-induced coping mechanism to deal with excessive worry and avoid human interaction.โ€ย 

"Living in the mountains should not mean being isolated or alone"

Studies that could help us identify the healthiest environments to live in are surprisingly scarce. And as scientists begin to untangle the relationship between well-being and the environment, they have noticed several nuances that contribute to or reduce the potential benefits offered by certain places - be it a metropolis with millions of inhabitants or a deserted beach or mountain.

For many, mountains represent preferred places for leisure, contemplation, closeness to nature and source of inspiration. With this view, the China has invested significantly in conserving its mountains.

Life in the mountains of has changed little in 100 years except if is for turism. Those who live there, on the other hand, escape the armed conflicts beside other things ands facts. Life is not easy, but those who live there escape a much harsher reality. If, on the one hand, in these small villages located at the top of the country's mountains there is no electricity or running water, on the other hand, little or no impact has been felt there by wars or civil wars.

Living conditions in the mountains have changed little in the last 100 years and every day is, in the words of reporters โ€œa medieval fight for survivalโ€.

Clรกudio, 68 years old, feels these walks in a different way.

โ€œNow, every day I have for myself is a day of life, it is a day that I cherish, it is a day more beautiful than the others. Before, the rain in the city used to bother me, now it tells me that Iโ€™m alive another dayโ€.

Researchers have shown that a seemingly countless number of factors determine how we are influenced by our surroundings. This includes personal history and life circumstances, the quality and duration of exposure to the environment, and the activities carried out there. Overall, evidence suggests that green spaces are good for those living in urban areas. Those who live near parks or wooded areas deal with lower levels of pollution and noise and benefit more from local cooling effects (something that becomes incredibly useful as the planet warms).

Researchers are still trying to understand why this occurs, although they have several hypotheses. "A prevailing theory is that natural spaces act as a calmer to the stimuli of the busy city," "From an evolutionary perspective, we also associate natural things as fundamental resources for survival, which is why we favor them."

This does not necessarily mean that all inhabitants of the big city should move to rural areas.

Although we tend to associate cities with pollution, crime and stress, living in rural locations can also have its costs. Disease-carrying insects and arachnids can, for example, decrease the health factor of that idyllic cabin.

Beautifully Isolated Places

that I didn't mind living at all, I was even grateful.

Cape Neddick Lighthouse in York, Maine

Lower Beverly Lake in Ontario, Canada

Small town in Iceland

Kaprun ski region, Austria

on the ocean Ambergris Caye, Belize

Skudeneshavn, Rogaland Fylke, Norway

uninhabited island of Urup, Kuriles

beach house in the Maldives

Land of the Panserbjรธrne